We are in the press The idea of a famous writer comes to Lithuanian schools read more "We would like to thank the project #Mokisiu for inviting our manager Asta Jagelo as a guest. We are happy to raise a new generation of teachers together." read more Karolina Meschino chose a bilingual educational institution for her daughter Isabelle: she told what has changed read more We are sharing a conversation between KD International School of Vilnius and Katina Dienela's International Kindergarten, the founder and head of the kindergarten @AstaJagelo. read more We share the thoughts of the founder and head of our school, Asta Jagelo, about the teaching profession - breaking stereotypes in the VDU webcast "From a teacher's notes" read more Our wonderful and inspiring director Asta Jagelo's interview shows - Širdyje Lietuvis read more About the European Commission's proposal to speed up foreign language learning in Lithuanian schools, Asta Jagelo, head of KD International School of Vilnius, shares the experience of our educational institution in "Panorama", from minute 14 read more