
About us

We are creating today‘s and tomorrow’s education. Ability to collect information is not a hard task for all of us, but it is crucial to be able to choose the information. In today‘s society it is important to not just follow orders, but also to take initiative in creation of our future‘s success. We believe, that the best way for our children to take responsibility for their choices and decisions is by learning how to learn, improving their personal motivation, creating their own future.
Our learning environment is calm, respectful for child, enabling the child to take responsibility for their future‘s creation. We are raising self-confident, determined and active citizens of the world creating paths in our modern society throughout their own experience.

Why us?

Bilingual school – helps to prepare children for life

Specialist of education – guides in the educational process, helping to develop independent ability to think, learn, solve the problems, argue.

Accredited international Cambridge school

We educate by internationally recognized Cambridge primary education program.

Self-Directed education

Learning happens with child‘s self-directed education– they choose activities and topics that they like independently, learns with their own personal experience, this way enhancing their strengths and abilities.

Learning environment

It is created to strengthen child‘s curiosity, motivation to learn and create, to cooperate, to work in a team.

Our values






Distinctiveness of Education

XXI century education in Katino Dienelės

Most important in our school is:
• Learn how to learn
• Raise questions
• Clarify/solve problems
• Argue your opinion/choices

We are creating today‘s and tomorrow’s education. Ability to collect information is not a hard task for all of us, but it is crucial to be able to choose the information. In today‘s society it is important to not just follow orders, but also to take initiative in creation of our future‘s success. We believe, that the best way for our children to take responsibility for their choices and decisions is by learning how to learn, improving their personal motivation, creating their own future.
Our learning environment is calm, respectful for child, enabling the child to take responsibility for their future‘s creation. We are raising self-confident, determined and active citizens of the world creating paths in our modern society throughout their own experience.

Contextual Education

We believe, that child‘s wish and motivation for learning comes from the child himself, who must take responsibility for their educational process, when simultaneously professional educators who are paying attention to child‘s abilities, and purposefully created educational environment and contextual education, encourage child‘s curiosity, understanding of a topic from different perspectives. When the child starts to explore a certain topic in time of all subjects, it automatically becomes more interesting for them, child raises questions, willingly takes upon an activity. For instance, during the space education week children are learning about it through exploration of the world, improves mathematical skills, counting space bodies, comparing sizes and weights, their rotation trajectory, they improve their speech development by reading/looking through books about space, sensory abilities, creativity is educated by arts in the classroom, they pretend to be astronauts and finish some tasks (problem solving) by changing into talking astronaut costumes in the drama centre, etc. 
Teacher of Katino Dienelės is like a guide, catalyst or a navigator, who is helping children to constantly improve, thus our education system is flexible, adapting to each child’s needs, interests, and environmental context. Child is at the centre of Katino Dienelės educational process. Contextual education is a part of individualization and differentiation. A child is learning when new information makes sense to them, teachers pay attention to children’s age, their abilities, child’s experience, ability to concentrate, the situation of their family, needs.

Independent self-directed education

Most effective and successful education is achieved when it is initiated by the learner. Our children choose the most appropriate activities independently, sets learning goals for themselves, evaluates their progress. Without a strict educational schedule or teaching program children can learn independently, with their own needs and abilities at the time most relevant for them.

Learning through playing

Playing is crucial and needed for every child, that is why at Katino Dienelės we learn through playing. We believe that learning the elements of thinking is easier to learn when playing than in a lesson. While playing we are training a more complex form of thinking – abstract thinking. Children learn to connect symbols (for example, letters mean alphabet to them), to see new meanings and this way they learn to look at a situation form different aspects.

During the game we are learning collaboration, team work, communication, leadership, solving conflicts, engineering, curiosity, responsibility, and many more skills needed in life. We learn while playing and we play while learning. That is why in Katino Dienelės we give more time and opportunities for children to get into the real game and to experience more diverse learning.

International community

Our community is various – families and pedagogues come from different places of the world, different races and religions, thus each and every person is welcome and loved in Katino Dienelės. Common values, goals, language and aspirations unite us, and traditions and internal culture is represented by Katino Dienelės uniforms, from the smallest children to administration, we all dress the same.

The intertwining of age groups

Children of different ages successfully collaborate together in Katino Dienelės, they learn from each other, observe the abilities in older children, try to depict, develop competence that is needed when growing up. This intertwining of ages inspires older children to be creative and playful, to take into account abilities and needs of the younger. This method of education teaches younger to be more responsible, motivates to reach new abilities, and to learn collaboration, team work with different ages, interest, and intellect groups of people.


In our institution children have the whole time in the world that they can give to their interests and passions. They have time to play, socialize, to think, or to just be with themselves. Most importantly, children have time to learn how to learn. Ability to control your time creates a medium for children to learn how to solve problems, how to purify them, how to communicate and to collaborate with the surrounding environment, to educate, deepen and practice their abilities, skills, and knowledge. We believe that a person knows how to learn effectively, he can reach whatever they put their mind on. Purposefully creating an educational environment gives opportunity to find what children want, what is interesting and relevant to them at the moment, so that they could become a lifelong learning personality.

Basic information

07.308.30Free play/individual learning
09.0009.15Morning Assembly
09.2009.55Educational activity (speech education)
10.2010.50Educational activity (mathematical education)
11.0011.30Educational activity (natural science and social education)
11.3012.00Educational activity (arts and technological education / physical activity and health science)
12.0013.00Time outside
13.3014.00Board games / individual learning
14.0014.30Time at the library
14.3015.00Project activities
15.3018.00Extra educational activities / time outside / in the classroom
Extra curriculum activities

• music
• dance
• karate
• theatre
• robotics
• computer literacy
• Spanish language
• Italian language
• Russian language
• Portugese language
• financial literacy
• guitar classes
• solo singing classes


Fresh, healthy and balanced food is provided by Confetti for our children. Sweet snacks and sweet carbonated drinks are prohibited in the school, the amount of sugar and salt is minimized. Children are served breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. They eat fresh fruits and vegetables every day and drink a lot of water. Our menu includes dishes for vegetarians, vegans, gluten- and lactose-intolerant children. It is possible to create individual menus according to the needs of the child (allergies).


We are proud to wear Katino Dienelės logo on our chest every day, because we believe in benefits of uniforms:
Self-expression. Uniforms encourage children to focus on self-expression, personality, and not appearance.
Saving time. Children know, what clothing they should put on and it becomes a part of the daily routine, which assures easier preparation in the mornings.
Hygiene. We noticed, that in the classes, where children were wearing uniforms daily, morbidity was lower, rather than in classes, where children were not wearing uniforms.
Equality. It might get difficult to escape comparison between children of what they are wearing. Wearing nursery ‘s uniform we can assure the feeling of equality.
Safety. Especially in Japan, it is usual, that each class wears one certain colour jackets, that on trips (especially when there are many children) it would be easier for teachers to assure the safety of children.
Affordability. We have a selection of uniforms, which ‘s price varies from 3 to 23 euros.
Unity. Uniforms help for children to feel united. Since teachers are also wearing uniforms, there is a good community being created in the nursery.
Comfort. Uniforms are comfortable, materials are soft and feels good on skin.
Self-discipline. Children understand that in certain atmospheres and situations we need to act or look accordingly.
Proudness. Children are proud to be wearing uniforms. They recognise the logo of nursery, notices teachers, key chains, showing to the logo on their own clothing they say: „Look, I have the logo too “.

If you want to order uniforms for your child, please contact school’s administrator Aušrinė via email mokykla@katinodieneles.lt or by phone +370 665 87442.

Send an email using this form:
Child’s name and surname –
Class –
Needed type of uniform, size, quantity –

The bill for uniforms will be included in next month’s bill.

Mission and vision

“Katino Dienelės“ – accredited international primary school in Vilnius, educating under the general primary and Cambridge programs. School‘s goal – a person who thinks and creates. “Katino Dienelės” community has been getting stronger and growing together for four years. Together we nurtured school’s vision, where children could continue child’s self-directed education created by education specialist in the bilingual learning environment. We are creating international community for families which learn outside the box, creatively. We believe that children are personalities worth respect, trust, and opportunity to learn by their own personal abilities and interests.

In “Katino Dienelės“ school we make sure that we do not obscure a child's natural learning paths, the biggest challenge for our educators is to create a learning environment which would encourage child’s curiosity, desire to learn through the game, and other ways by trying to show their potential, to show their shine. Child’s self-directed education is crucial for us, when education happens by child’s independent initiative – they choose activities that are interesting for them, learn through their own personal experience.

Children’s education is focused on democratization, which relies on natural environment’s creation, honest and warm communication with children, without limiting their free will to choose, close connection and communication with parents, fair and focused working methods and techniques of staff, which encourage child’s individuality, independence, will to choose, development of responsibility, and personal improvement.

Learning environment

Learning spaces in Katino Dienelės, also called studios, are flexible and adapted for playing, learning, exploration. Each studio takes upon different age group children, who support each other, collaborates in everyday learning process. This kind of environment encourages culture of respect for the right of another person to education and training. Our children are not seeking for higher evaluation, but for personal growth and spreading their view to life, learning and feeling joy, satisfaction of the learning results. Respect is the foundation of every teaching subject in Katino Dienelės. We respect our and others‘ time, materials and education environment. Children are collaborating whilst creating agreements of our school, first by promising to not disturb themselves and others‘ while learning.




Principal’s welcome

There is no greater gift than opportunity.

Dear Katino Dienelės Community,

I want to warmly invite everyone to the international school of Cat Days! We are very excited to finally open the doors of a primary school where every member of the team, every child and their family is valued. We teach in an inclusive, creative, caring, bilingual environment. We strive for excellence, we respect excellence and we are fully committed – we will demonstrate this through our communication and achievements in the international community. We believe that it is very important to establish the "foundation" of core values: cooperation, respect, responsibility and creativity.
Katino Dienelės mission guides us towards success and to a bright future. We are a young school, but our teachers are professional and passionate about their teaching! They are always seeking innovative and better ways to improve their practice. Our prepared learning environment also provides opportunities so that our students can become future leaders in this interconnected world.
Having an international community with different nationalities, being a Lithuanian-English language school, we highly value exclusivity and togetherness - not only teachers, but also parents are included in the children's learning process. Only thanks to extremely close cooperation with teachers, children and parents can we achieve the best results. It allows children to take responsibility for their own learning, develop personal motivation and unlock their full potential.
At Katino Dienelės we strive for excellence in all areas of our school. Our students and staff are happy, engaged and empowered in the process of learning and teaching. Join KD family now!

Warm regards,
Asta Jagelo
Director and founder

Contact us
